2Manisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Civil Engineering, Manisa, 45140, Türkiye
This paper was conducted by considering 28 fishing structures in Izmir Coast based on three aspects: inter relation with the fishing ground, technical aspects and market accessibility to determine technical requirements about infrastructure and superstructure facilities. The questionnaires and personal interviews with the main stakeholders were utilized to determine current situation of the fishing structures. The field observation covered the activities such as catch unloading, handling, auction, distribution and marketing of the catching fish. The data of fishing structures were evaluated by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Method. 13 customer requests and 19 technical requirements were considered for designing House of Quality (HoQ) matrix consisting of 7 sections. A mathematical model represented the relationship between fishing structure and boats was obtained by using Queuing Theory. The suitability of the model with Poisson arrival distribution and negative exponential service time distribution was checked using Chi-Square goodness of fit test. In the conclusion, the most important technical criteria were discussed. The features were identified wh ich ne ed to be improved most.