2Vodafone, Istanbul, 34398, Türkiye
3Akakce, Ankara, 06530, Türkiye
4Department of Computer Engineering, Baskent University, Ankara, 06790, Türkiye
Cognitive problems like Dementia and Alzheimer’s are usually challenging to diagnose but can be noticed by some signs of their symptoms. The most common symptoms are confu-sion, trouble finding the right word, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating. This study aims to design a cognitive activity detection and tracing system that contains games and an-alyzes users’ performances then displays detailed statistics to the users. The proposed Cogni-tive Activity Detection and Tracing System (CADTS) is software that contains different kinds of games from different categories inside its body that aims to measure cognitive activity by utilizing formulations in the context of the games and give feedback to users concerning the performance analyses done. The purpose of these analyses is to catch the signs of symptoms. An insight into a possible scoring system is provided, and as our results, several descriptive statistics are shared based on the tests conducted.