ISSN: 1304-7191 | E-ISSN: 1304-7205
Analysis of Magnetic Performance for Magnetized Packed and Unpacked Bed
1Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Tarsus University, MERSİN
Sigma J Eng Nat Sci 2019; 37(4): 1075-1086
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In this study, optimal levels of the magnetized packed bed design parameters on the magnetic performance have been obtained by using Taguchi experimental design approach. Given the associated the parameters such as the diameter of the bed elements (d), magnetic strength (H), and the bed length (L), the results estimate the effects on the magnetizing performance of the magnetized packed bed. The analysis of Taguchi method reveals that, magnetic strength and the diameter of the bed elements have significantly affected the magnetizing performance of the magnetized packed bed. Data obtained from Taguchi experimental design on the magnetic intensity of the bed resulted in the optimized process conditions of 280 kA/m as the magnetic strength, the bed length of 6 cm and the diameter of the bed elements 8 mm. Maximum magnetic intensity 0.606 T was obtained at the optimized conditions in the bed parameters. In addition, magnetic intensity values that called as magnetic performance values are corrected by the uncertainty analyses. Magnetic intensity in the magnetized packed bed adjusted with ASME PTC 19.1 uncertainty analysis methods. Although some partial fluctuations in the magnetic intensity are available as long as the bed, the general variation characteristics of magnetic characteristic property of the bed is constant.