ISSN: 1304-7191 | E-ISSN: 1304-7205
Thermo-elastoplastic solutions of a thick-walled tube with fixed ends subjected to a temperature cycle from its inner surface
1Middle East Technical University, Dep. of Engineering Sciences, ANKARA
Sigma J Eng Nat Sci 2018; 9(): 203-212
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A thermo-elastoplastic response of a long tube under periodic temperature cycle from its inner surface is analyzed. The temperature of the inner surface increases linearly with time, remains constant for a while at a maximum value, and then cools down linearly to the initial temperature. Thermo- elastic and plastic stress distributions in the tube under these conditions are determined through analytical means. Plastic stress states are treated using Tresca’s yield criterion. The tube undergoes elastic, elastoplastic and unloading stages during the temperature cycle.