There are errors, attributable to various reasons, in the land registry and cadastre data of Turkey. A great majority of such errors originates from the facility cadastre system. In addition, there are also errors in the transactions made based on request following the facility cadastre.
The beneficiaries and deed holders suffer from the fact that most of the cadastral plots become unusable and errors in the land registry. Therefore, a countrywide second-cycle cadastral studies and surveys should be conducted in order to solve the technical and legal problems. However, it is obvious that this procedure will take long time and be costly. Hence, it is aimed that these problems be solved by alternative methods. The foremost among these methods are zoning application in settlement areas and land consolidation in rural areas. Under these applications, the land registry and cadastral information of all parcels in the application site are renewed and thus recognized as second-cycle cadastre.This study gives solution recommendations for some of the errors resulting from land registry and cadastre made during and after facility cadastre in the parcels within the application site of land consolidation.