ISSN: 1304-7191 | E-ISSN: 1304-7205
Seawater desalination technologies
Sigma J Eng Nat Sci 2012; 30(2): 156-178
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A rapidly increasing population, the depletion of high quality water sources by water population and desertification, are the main causes of the increased demand. There are many solutions to the water problem, including control of water consumption, conservation, improved distribution and storage, reclamation, purification and reuse, crops that use less water, tapping of new sources. Desalination is seriously considered only when all the other possibilities have been ruled out. With this purpose, for our country, it is aimed to determine economical and applicable desalination methods and to bring up the optimal solution examining studies which was published in this topic. In this paper, it was investigated the desalination technologies which is used to obtain fresh water from seawater.

Deniz suyu arıtım teknolojileri
1Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, SAMSUNA rapidly increasing population, the depletion of high quality water sources by water population and desertification, are the main causes of the increased demand. There are many solutions to the water problem, including control of water consumption, conservation, improved distribution and storage, reclamation, purification and reuse, crops that use less water, tapping of new sources. Desalination is seriously considered only when all the other possibilities have been ruled out. With this purpose, for our country, it is aimed to determine economical and applicable desalination methods and to bring up the optimal solution examining studies which was published in this topic. In this paper, it was investigated the desalination technologies which is used to obtain fresh water from seawater.
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 2012; 2(30): 156-178

Hızla artan nüfus, su kirliliği ve çölleşme tarafından yüksek kaliteli su kaynaklarının tüketimi artan ihtiyacın başlıca nedenleri olmaktadır. Su tüketim kontrolü, korunması, dağıtımı ve depolanmasının iyileştirilmesi, arazi iyileştirme, arıtma ve yeniden kullanma, daha az su kullanan ürün vermek, yeni kaynakları kullanmaya başlamak gibi konuları kapsayan su probleminin pek çok çözümü vardır. Bu koşullarda deniz suyunun kullanımı iyi bir alternatif yaklaşım olmaktadır. Bu amaçla ülkemiz için ekonomik ve uygulanabilir tuzsuzlaştırma yöntemlerini belirlenmek ve bu konuda yapılan çalışmaları araştırarak optimum çözümleri ortaya koymak hedeflenmiştir. Bu çalışmada deniz suyundan tatlı su elde etmek için kullanılan tuzsuzlaştırma teknolojileri incelenmiştir.